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The Ideal Gas Law

The Ideal Gas Law

Module by: John S. Hutchinso


We assume as our starting point the atomic
molecular theory. That is, we assume that all matter is composed of
discrete particles. The elements consist of identical atoms, and
compounds consist of identical molecules, which are particles
containing small whole number ratios of atoms. We also assume that
we have determined a complete set of relative atomic weights,
allowing us to determine the molecular formula for any


The individual molecules of different
compounds have characteristic properties, such as mass, structure,
geometry, bond lengths, bond angles, polarity, diamagnetism or
paramagnetism. We have not yet considered the properties of mass
quantities of matter, such as density, phase (solid, liquid or gas)
at room temperature, boiling and melting points, reactivity, and so
forth. These are properties which are not exhibited by individual
molecules. It makes no sense to ask what the boiling point of one
molecule is, nor does an individual molecule exist as a gas, solid,
or liquid. However, we do expect that these material or bulk
properties are related to the properties of the individual
molecules. Our ultimate goal is to relate the properties of the
atoms and molecules to the properties of the materials which they

Achieving this goal will require considerable
analysis. In this Concept Development Study, we begin at a somewhat
more fundamental level, with our goal to know more about the nature
of gases, liquids and solids. We need to study the relationships
between the physical properties of materials, such as density and
temperature. We begin our study by examining these properties in



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